Palladium’s ‘Tokyo Rising Campagne’ Tokyo Rising Trailer. Tokyo faces a new reality after the tragedy of 3/11. While persistent challenges still lay ahead, the city’s creative class is hell-bent on making sure that their hometown thrives. Innovative and resilient, they are defining the future of Tokyo on their own terms. We put our boots on and went exploring. For the video part 1 go to here!
Grammy Award winning singer, songwriter and producer Pharrell Williams has always been fascinated with Japanese culture. His frequent involvement with the arts and fashion communities of Tokyo made him a natural choice to lead our exploration. From his two-year collaboration with Tokyo-born artist Takashi Murakami to create the artwork entitled Simple Things that kicked off the official opening of Art Basel Switzerland in 2009 to Nigo of A Bathing Ape fame designing the cover of Pharrell’s solo debut In My Mind, the creative forces of Tokyo have been a constant source of inspiration for Pharrell throughout his many projects. He has been a great supporter of relief efforts for the Japanese citizens affected by the incidents of 3/11.
Super fun and super fresh, so everyone watch the video. Especially if you love fashion and such stuf. That man is hard, but Tokyo is harder. Tokyo is the place to be, everything is forward there and it is worth to go to Tokyo. Especially if you love fashion really. Reply to what you think of it. Or look/go for more information to